
  • Agil Nanggala Mahasiswa Program Doktor Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan FPIPS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Siska Damayanti Mahasiswa Program Magister Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan FPIPS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Civic Literacy, Organisasi Kepemudaan, Smart and Good Young Citizens


Riset ini berupaya untuk menganalisis juga merefleksikan atas urgensi membangun smart and good young citizens melalui program organisasi kepemudaan berbasis civic literacy, karena memuat upaya penguatan civic competence secara inklusif dan masif, pemberdayaan organisasi kepemudaan, dan peningkatan literasi pemuda berbasis Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar NRI 1945. Riset ini dirampungkan berbasis pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode studi literatur, teknik analisis data, yaitu, reduksi, display, juga verifikasi. Hasil penelitian, yaitu, pertama, konstruksi tentang visi membangun smart and good young citizens melalui program organisasi kepemudaan berbasis civic literacy, tidak hanya berupaya membentuk pemuda, yang cerdas, dan terampil, karena juga mengakomodir penguatan karakter pemuda, yang terintegrasi dengan ciri khas atau kepribadiannya, yang mengarah pada performance character maupun moral character, maka menjadi model baru dalam pembangunan smart and good young citizens, berbasis komunitas, yang programnya memuat civic literacy, kedua, realisasi model tersebut adalah, pertama, perampungan konstruksi pemikiran mengenai urgensi mengintegrasikan upaya membentuk warga negara muda yang cerdas dan baik, pemberdayaan organisasi kepemudaan yang relevan dan berkelanjutan, lalu upaya penguatan civic literacy, kedua, merampungkan orientasi atau tujuan umum, ketiga, menerapkan secara nyata melalui program organisasi kepemudaan, yang inklusif, akomodatif, dan inovatif, keempat, penerapan prinsip kolaboratif (pentahelix) dan berkelanjutan, kelima, evaluasi dan tindak lanjut, keenam, sosialisasi, Kesimpulan riset, yaitu, visi membangun smart and good young citizens melalui program organisasi kepemudaan berbasis civic literacy, adalah upaya nyata mewujudkan peradaban maju bangsa Indonesia.


This research seeks to analyze and reflect on the urgency of building smart and good young citizens through civic literacy-based youth organization programs, because it includes efforts to strengthen civic competence in an inclusive and massive manner, empowering youth organizations, and increasing youth literacy based on Pancasila and the NRI Constitution. 1945. This research was completed based on a qualitative approach, with the method of literature study, data analysis techniques, namely, reduction, display, as well as verification. The results of the research, namely, first, the construction of the vision of building smart and good young citizens through civic literacy-based youth organization programs, does not only seek to form smart, and skilled youth, because it also accommodates the strengthening of youth character, which is integrated with their characteristics or personality. , which leads to performance character and moral character, then becomes a new model in the development of smart and good young citizens, community based, whose program includes civic literacy, second, the realization of the model is, first, the completion of the construction of thoughts regarding the urgency of integrating efforts to form citizens smart and good young people, empowering relevant and sustainable youth organizations, then efforts to strengthen civic literacy, second, completing orientation or general goals, third, implementing concretely through youth organization programs, which are inclusive, accommodative, and innovative, fourth, applying the principles collaborative (pentahelix) and sustainable, fifth, evaluation, sixth, socialization. The conclusion of the research, namely, the vision of building smart and good young citizens through civic literacy-based youth organization programs, is a real effort to realize the advanced civilization of the Indonesian nation.


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How to Cite

Agil Nanggala, & Siska Damayanti. (2023). MEMBANGUN SMART AND GOOD YOUNG CITIZENS MELALUI PROGRAM ORGANISASI KEPEMUDAAN BERBASIS CIVIC LITERACY. Bhineka Tunggal Ika; Kajian Teori Dan Praktik Pendidikan PKN, 10(1), 96–108. Retrieved from


